Here is some of the free stuff that I have found on the web this week:

Crochet Patterns/tutorials: - where people write in with a link to their free pattern, tutorial or whatever and have it published here.  Gives you plenty of links to patterns and has a category for just about everything you wish to know about!

The Crochet Dude - not many people know about Drew over here in Australia, but I would like to think that I am spreading the word about him and people are becoming more aware of this talented man!

Sewing Patterns/tutorials:

Indietutes - here are a lot of tutorials, technique directions and information!

Confessions of a sewing dork - HEAPS of information with tutorials!


Crochet - Attic24 blog - lots of pictures in this post.  Her personal reflection on her year that was in '09 and the (very colourful) projects she completed.

Sewing - Wardrobe refashion - Lots and LOTS of inspirations here!  Follow the links to their blogs and you will get even more tutorials and inspiration!