He has arrived!! Little William David Crane endeavoured to make his way into the world early this morning in the back of an ambulance! Yes, I knew I was in labour (about 9pm last night) and I knew that I should be careful, what with my troubles that I had a couple of weeks ago. But, I didnt think things would progress quite as they would, obviously!
Look how tiny he was, compared to Petes hand!!
Birth STATS:
Weight: 3030gms (6lb 11oz)
Length: 48cm
Head Circ: 34cm
5 fingers, 5 toes, plumbing attached and all in good working order!
As I said, about 9pm last night I knew I was in labour, but contractions were sporadic and there wasnt any real routine about them, so I headed for bed about 11:30 after informing Dad that he would probably be needed sometime in the wee hours of the morning and he headed off across the road to bed, himself. About 2:30am I woke with a seering pain and knew that it was time to head off. Pete rushed off and told Dad and I went to the toilet.....where all the troubles began. I was having another bleed and it was not stopping this time! With each contraction, there was more, so an ambulance was called.
After what seemed an eternity, they showed up and I was on the verge of hysterics.....thank goodness Dad was there, because he put his arm around me and spoke to me in that fatherly voice of his and I soon settled down! Down to the ambulance we headed and into town. Just 3 minutes from the hospital, William decided to make his way into the world and there was no stopping him at all! It scared the shit out of not just me, but the ambulance officer as well! She did really well, though and spoke me through it all and he was delivered safe and sound.....her second delivery since being an ambo!
Pete rushed into town in my car and packed it a little when he arrived at the emergency entrance......the ambulance was there, but we werent in it! Mainly because he reckons it looked like a meat wagon (his words, not mine - my waters had not broken....they broke when he arrived and there was just a little mess in the back - stupid little beds they have in there!)The nurse had to calm him down after letting him in, because he nearly knocked the doors down trying to enter! The look on his face when he entered the room was just priceless!
Summer Speed
1 year ago
Congratulations on the safe arrival of your beautiful boy. He's so small and perfect!
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